Uploading content such as photos and videos (documents coming soon!) to your MiMedia account using our new Mobile app has never been easier. There are two ways to do this:

Automatic Upload

You can set your phone to automatically upload photos and videos as they are taken with your phone:

– From your Settings page, click Uploads

– Select  Turn on automatic camera uploads

– Adjust the settings at the bottom of the page to set your Upload preferences

– Click Start Automatic Uploads

Now when ever you take any picture they will automatically be added to your MiMedia account.


Manual Upload

You can manually upload content anytime, from any page within the Mobile app:

– From any screen, click the Upload Arrow in the upper right side of the window designated by an up arrow encased by a circle. Please Note: if done for the first time, you will see a notification window prompting to access photos on the mobile device, please click “Allow”

– Select the content from its storage location within your phone. The default is usually the Albums directory.

– You may select as many items as you would like to upload all at one time. To do this simply check off the photos or videos from the album you are uploading from by tapping the thumbnails that are displayed. If done correctly the items will display a blue check overlay.

-When you are finished making your simply hit the “Done” button in the upper right hand corner and your pictures and videos will begin to upload. You can track the status of your uploads by navigating to the uploads sub-menu. Once your all your files successfully uploaded yo will receive a confirmation notification.And that is all there is to it!