MiMedia supports all of the most popular file types Image files: JPG (.jpg) JPEG (.jpeg) PNG (.png) TIF (.tif) TIFF (.tiff) GIF (.gif) BMP (.bmp) MPO Video files: MP4 MPEG MP1 MP2 MOV (Quicktime) WMV (Windows Media Video) AVI MKV M4V FLV 3GP WEBM Audio files: MP3 AAC Application files: DOC DOCX XLS XLSX PPT […]
Desktop App
What operating systems does MiMedia support?
MiMedia supports Windows 7 as well as Windows 8 desktop operating systems. We also support Mac OS. Linux OS is not supported for our desktop app. Linux is supported through our preferred browsers – (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE).
Can I use the Internet while my data is being uploaded over my broadband connection?
Of course. The MiMedia application allows you to use the Internet while uploading via your broadband connection. However, because part of your broadband connection will be dedicated to the upload process, you may notice your speed decrease slightly.
Does MiMedia automatically upload files I have changed?
MiMedia will only monitor and automatically update any changes you make to your files IF you used the MiMedia desktop app to upload that content. The MiMedia desktop app is designed to upload files and folders then monitor to recognize any changes. If you’ve uploaded your files via Drag and Drop or the Browser Uploader, […]
How will I know when my file is uploaded?
Upload victory, how you will know Most photos take only a moment to upload. However, this experience can vary from user to user depending on the size of the file and the user’s Internet connection speed. If the upload hasn’t completed yet, give it a moment and you may see it soon. If you’re sure […]
How long does it take to upload a file?
Uploading a new file, how long will it take? The time that it takes to upload a file varies from user to user. This is because the time required to upload depends entirely upon two things: the size of the file and your Internet connection. Uploading using our desktop application is the preferred method The […]
Can I upload multiple files at once?
Why yes, of course! MiMedia allows you to upload as many items as you want at one time! Hey, you can even mix it up if you’d like. Upload 2 videos, several pictures and a song. You can upload all file types (i.e. videos, pictures, music, etc.) within the upload. All you have to do […]
How do I remove the MiMedia Desktop App?
How do I install the MiMedia Desktop App?
So Let’s Get Started! Installing the MiMedia Desktop application is easy. First, make sure your’e at the computer where you’d like to install MiMedia, next you must create an account, so go to mimedia.com, click “Signup” in the upper right where you’ll be taken to our signup page. Enter your Full name and email address, then click “Join”. […]
What operating systems does MiMedia support?
MiMedia supports Windows 7 (Vista, XP) as well as Windows 8 desktop operating systems. We also support Mac OS. Linux OS is not supported for our desktop app. Linux is supported through our preferred browsers – (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE).