
How do upload music?

Desktop App: Select the My Sources tab to locate your iTunes folder or any folder with stored music for automatic uploads. MiMedia Web Portal: From the mimusic page select the Upload arrow upper right corner to upload a music file or folder from your desktop to your online account.  

Does MiMedia automatically upload files I have changed?

MiMedia will only monitor and automatically update any changes you make to your files IF you used the MiMedia desktop app to upload that content. The MiMedia desktop app is designed to upload files and folders then monitor to recognize any changes. If you’ve uploaded your files via Drag and Drop or the Browser Uploader, […]

How will I know when my file is uploaded?

Upload victory, how you will know Most photos take only a moment to upload. However, this experience can vary from user to user depending on the size of the file and the user’s Internet connection speed. If the upload hasn’t completed yet, give it a moment and you may see it soon. If you’re sure […]

How long does it take to upload a file?

Uploading a new file, how long will it take? The time that it takes to upload a file varies from user to user. This is because the time required to upload depends entirely upon two things: the size of the file and your Internet connection.  Uploading using our desktop application is the preferred method The […]

What about Digital Rights Managment (DRM)?

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is a copy protection system that limits access to files. It is used to keep users from copying music and videos and distributing files illegally. In conjunction with Government Laws, MiMedia does not support playback or sharing of DRM-protected music or video files. Please review our Terms and Conditions for […]

Can I share any file type?

Yes – can share any media file type within your account. However, please review “What About Digital Rights Management (DRM)” regarding our policy on Copyright laws of music files before sharing to make sure you are in compliance.

Can I upload multiple files at once?

Why yes, of course! MiMedia allows you to upload as many items as you want at one time! Hey, you can even mix  it up if you’d like. Upload 2 videos, several pictures and a song.  You can upload all file types (i.e. videos, pictures, music, etc.) within the upload. All you have to do […]

How do I delete music?

Are you so over the hits from last summer? Radio kill has you wanting to never hear or see that song again? Not a problem. Let’s get rid of it!  Simply go to mimusic, right click to display menu and select Delete to remove from your account. You will then see a message asking if […]

How do I play music?

Play music anytime, anywhere After you’ve uploaded your music files online, simply go to the “mimusic” page. From here you’ll be able to sort your music by “Title” or “Artist”. You can also search by  upload date too. Web Portal Ok so lets find that song,  click on it to queue for play. Hover over the music bars in […]